Thursday 14 August 2008

Last Saturday, I had my first wet picnic concert at Kenwood. It rained so heavily that I couldn’t believe that the concert was not cancelled. The organizer wouldn’t tell us whether they were cancelling or not until 5:30 at the point of entry.

Whilst I was waiting at the Café with a cup of tea, some people started to appear with their huge picnic kits and umbrellas, and I actually spotted some ladies in “PVC trousers” (I don’t mean raincoat, but a thin layer of PVC trousers over their ordinary ones). I was still in denial that the picnic was not going to happen…but it did! I have been this country for 8 years. Still how the Brits sometimes behave is a wonder to me! The sandwiches were a bit soggy though!

I bought a pair of Hunter wellies the following week. I suppose that I am now a step closer to the heart of Britain. But God forbids me to ever wear these PVC trousers. If that happens, somebody please slap my wrist because I would be getting far too close to whatever that Britishness means.

As to Diana Krall, she is soft and sweet like the summer breeze. Good humour and beautiful voice!


Picnic Concert 2

Picnic Concert 1 DSC_0203

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